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Monday, April 5, 2010

Mystery Night 2010

Mystery Night is planned by our church every year to draw the unchurched friends of those in our youth group. Leaders are stationed around Murrieta in crazy costumes (see below!). Students, assigned to a vehicle, race around trying to hunt us down with the help of clues, each group trying to be the first one back to the starting place. Once everyone returns, the evening ends with a clear gospel presentation. Over 200 students attended this year!

Jonas and I were Nacho Libre and Sister Encarnacion...and boy did Jonas get in character! It was quite impressive. At each stop, students have to do whatever task they're given before receiving their points and moving on to the next one. Jonas had them flapping and running to demonstrate their "eagle powers"...after munching on the "Lord's chips" to provide them with the proper "nutrients". Finally, he led them in the ballad Nacho composed with Encarnacion in mind...his forbidden love. I just got to stand back and be entertained while Jonas did all the work.

The act was a hit and I was quite impressed with his singing!! How could Encarnacion resist such a great guy, stretchy pants and all???!

Caleb and Peyton Miller as "Ramses"...I think Caleb ran the circuit with Jonas each time a group came through. Oh, and did I mention there were 50 groups???!!! Yes, Nacho was one tired and sore luchador the following day.

1 comment:

Carri Roman said...

Honestly Lara, you made the sweetest looking nun! You fit the part well. hehe