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Monday, May 18, 2009

Adventures in Encinitas

There is a great park just up from Moonlight Beach on Encinitas Blvd. where Jonas was able to join us after work, the same day as our field trip. A boy had brought his pet bird and let us hold it for a long time. The bird was such a crack up!

This was quite a day for us in Encinitas...when we were still on Moonlight Beach, a stranded sea lion was just down the shore a ways. Since my sister, Alaina, is an Animal Care Specialist at Sea World, and has assisted with many a beach rescue, I gave her a call. Unfortunately, it was her day off, but otherwise she may have been the one to come up and get the sea lion back to the rehab area of Sea World. I've been back there with the's a section of the park that the "general" population doesn't get to see so I always think I'm big stuff when we're back there. As Jane Austen would say, it's most agreeable having such "connections". But I digress...

Anyway, another pair from Sea World came and after seeing what they have to do to lasso up one of these creatures, I definitely would pay money to see my sister do it...Alaina said it was an adult female who was pregnant. The baby didn't make it, which is sad but typical, however, the mother is recovering.
The best part of the "field trip" turned out to be everything that happened after we left the butterfly place!!

1 comment:

Miller Family said...

Sounds like an exciting day!